Dismantling Public Education in Ohio
“Ohio GOP threatens to cut school funding, calling spending 'unsustainable'” 5 News Cleveland
Genuinely perplexed at the mental gymnastics state lawmakers must do when addressing education in Ohio:
Put in place an unconstitutional funding scheme for K-12 education.
Complain that public schools are failing students and address this problem by funding private charter schools.
Ignore the hundreds of millions of dollars some of these charter schools stole from the state, and ignore the fact that these schools do not generally perform better than their public counterparts
Continue to fail to address the real problems facing public education and double-down on privatization by spending nearly one BILLION dollar on private schools vouchers (as well as a few million to help construct or expand private religious schools).
Ignore the fact that private schools do not have the same obligations to the students they accept that the public schools do—even though Ohio kids have a constitutional right to a secular public education
Complain that the current funding formula meant to address to unconstitutional funding scheme for public schools is unsustainable.
Spend more money on private schools that are not accountable for how they spend public funds.