Calling All Philosophers: Conceptual Help Needed
Take the following scenario…
- C has a rights claim against P. 2. C’s rights claim against P generates an obligation O on the part of P. 3. P’s obligation O is general in that P may fulfill O, through and number of actions A: [A1, A2, A3,…, An]. 4. Assume some individual S, interferes with P’s fulfilling O, by interfering with . . .
Calling All Philosophers: Conceptual Help Needed
Take the following scenario…
- C has a rights claim against P. 2. C’s rights claim against P generates an obligation O on the part of P. 3. P’s obligation O is general in that P may fulfill O, through and number of actions A: [A1, A2, A3,…, An]. 4. Assume some individual S, interferes with P’s fulfilling O, by interfering with . . .
Pettit on Political Philosophers
But to say that no one individual philosopher can expect to do much alone is not to say that political philosophy as such does not achieve anything significant. The prospect of political conversation coming entirely adrift from the reflection of political philosophers is a bleak and chilling scenario. For it is mainly by virtue of the . . .
Pettit on Political Philosophers
But to say that no one individual philosopher can expect to do much alone is not to say that political philosophy as such does not achieve anything significant. The prospect of political conversation coming entirely adrift from the reflection of political philosophers is a bleak and chilling scenario. For it is mainly by virtue of the . . .
Are MOOCs Good for Students? | Boston Review
This article perfectly articulates my feelings regarding MOOC (Massive, Open, Online, Courses). Focussing on efficiency and the transfer of information misses the larger purpose of higher education and the role of the teacher/scholar:
Such a vision not only reduces education to rote learning, it also reduces the educator to the . . .
Are MOOCs Good for Students? | Boston Review
This article perfectly articulates my feelings regarding MOOC (Massive, Open, Online, Courses). Focussing on efficiency and the transfer of information misses the larger purpose of higher education and the role of the teacher/scholar:
Such a vision not only reduces education to rote learning, it also reduces the educator to the . . .