Vex Robotics World Championships - Day 4

A Foolish Consistency
April 26, 2016

The morning of day 4 ended after two losses. The team was naturally disappointed with their resulting standing of 59 out of 100 while going into the alliance selection.   Although they did not rank high enough (nor were they selected for an alliance) for the final tournament, there was a silver lining. The team was recognized for their . . .

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A Foolish Consistency
April 26, 2016

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A Foolish Consistency
April 26, 2016

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A Foolish Consistency
April 26, 2016

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A Foolish Consistency
April 26, 2016

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Vex Robotics World Championship - Day 3

A Foolish Consistency
April 24, 2016

Day three resulted in a 3 wins and 3 losses, placing them in the 25th seat for a short period of time. Unfortunately, by the end of the day, they were back down in the 40-50s. Still, it was a good day considering that who you are teamed with is simply the luck of the draw.  The end of the day involved the "big reveal" of next . . .

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Vex Robotics World Championship - Day 3

A Foolish Consistency
April 24, 2016

Day three resulted in a 3 wins and 3 losses, placing them in the 25th seat for a short period of time. Unfortunately, by the end of the day, they were back down in the 40-50s. Still, it was a good day considering that who you are teamed with is simply the luck of the draw.  The end of the day involved the "big reveal" of next . . .

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