Trump Lies (about the dairy tariffs)
One of the things that has irritated me about the news coverage of the Trump administration is the lack of journalistic fact checking. I don’t mean the type of fact checking that asks “Can we confirm that so-and-so said x?”, but the fact checking that asks “Was what so-and-so said true?”. It’s the kind of journalistic research that I used to . . .
No One Does It All On Their Own: The Arbitrariness of the Natural Lottery
I am not a millionaire, but the level of success I have achieved in my career is due to many of the same privileges this tech entrepeneur discusses. It is nice to see someone successful who recognizes that fact. “The real reason my startup was successful:privilege” by Jason Ford.
No One Does It All On Their Own: The Arbitrariness of the Natural Lottery
I am not a millionaire, but the level of success I have achieved in my career is due to many of the same privileges this tech entrepeneur discusses. It is nice to see someone successful who recognizes that fact. “The real reason my startup was successful:privilege” by Jason Ford.